魔法(女神转生系列)/女神异闻录5 皇家版(169)
2022-11-15 来源:118图库
Distorted Envy
Inflict Jealousy to 1 foe for 2 turns.
Jealous unit attacks ally for assisting another ally.
Distorted Gluttony
Doubles the cost of using skills for 2 turns.
Distorted Wrath
Inflict Wrath to 1 foe for 2 turns. Boost attack power but reduce defense.
Inflict Jealousy to 1 foe for 2 turns.
Jealous unit attacks ally for assisting another ally.
Distorted Gluttony
Doubles the cost of using skills for 2 turns.
Distorted Wrath
Inflict Wrath to 1 foe for 2 turns. Boost attack power but reduce defense.