2022-11-15 来源:118图库
G. The Staff is authorized to delay the start of the voting session should any problems arise due to technical issues or other areas of concern. In such cases, the Staff are allowed to delay the end of the voting session and the release of results.
XV. Amendments
A. Once approved and published, the contents of this document shall not be altered. It may only be amended, in which amendments may update or supersede the statements in this document.
B. Amendments may be suggested by any member of the Community and are subject to approval by the Staff and Commissioner at any time during the course of the tournament.
C. Approved Amendments must be reported on the Website.
1. 主赛事女性组别、男性组别,冬季、春季季番表演赛参赛者共用同一张提名表格。
2. 对于主赛事,仅能提名2018年12月31日前出场的日本商业性动画角色。
3. 最多可以提名共20位参赛者。
4. 至少须提名来自5个不同的动画系列的角色。
5. 必须提名至少2位男性角色和2位女性角色。
6. 对于任意特定的动画系列,最多可以提名3位角色。
7. 荣誉禁赛名单如下:(亦为本赛季冠军大赛参赛名单) a. 2011-2018赛季萌王:御坂美琴
XV. Amendments
A. Once approved and published, the contents of this document shall not be altered. It may only be amended, in which amendments may update or supersede the statements in this document.
B. Amendments may be suggested by any member of the Community and are subject to approval by the Staff and Commissioner at any time during the course of the tournament.
C. Approved Amendments must be reported on the Website.
1. 主赛事女性组别、男性组别,冬季、春季季番表演赛参赛者共用同一张提名表格。2. 对于主赛事,仅能提名2018年12月31日前出场的日本商业性动画角色。
3. 最多可以提名共20位参赛者。
4. 至少须提名来自5个不同的动画系列的角色。
5. 必须提名至少2位男性角色和2位女性角色。
6. 对于任意特定的动画系列,最多可以提名3位角色。
7. 荣誉禁赛名单如下:(亦为本赛季冠军大赛参赛名单) a. 2011-2018赛季萌王:御坂美琴