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2022-11-15 来源:118图库
2. Greater number of cumulative wins and draws, in which a draw will be counted as half (1/2) the value of a win.
3. Greater Cumulative Vote Point Difference (CVPD) value
4. Greater Cumulative Vote Points (CVP) value
5. Selected by Staff
E. Alongside the Necklace/Pendant Showdown, an Approval Voting match will be held to decide which gem will be distributed to the winner of Necklace/Pendant Showdown of this Stage. The gem with highest approval points will then be distributed for the stage, and the remaining gems will be used for later Stages.
F. The voting round will last twenty-four (24) hours. 1. Voters will rank the Contestants in each of the Showdown matches.
2. Exhibition Matches (See Section XII.) will be scheduled alongside the Necklace and Pendant Showdowns.
G. At the end of the Round, the winning Contestants, as decided by an Instant-Runoff Voting system, are awarded the Necklace and Pendant. 1. Ties are resolved in favor of the Contestant who was ranked highest on the most ballots. A continued tie will be broken using the number of second-highest ranks, and so on.