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2022-11-15 来源:118图库
6. The Sixth Stage will have Thirty-Two (32) Contestants.
7. The Seventh Stage will have Twenty-Four (24) Contestants.
C. On each Stage, Contestants will be split into Groups of Four (4). Contestants in the same Group will compete with each other in a round-robin format. 1. The number of matches in a Round will vary depending on the number of Groups on each Stage.
2. Each Contestant will have exactly One (1) opponent per Round.
3. Each round will be done on a single, specific match day. Technical rules of each match day follows Section I., while schedule of each match day follows Section XIII..
D. At the end of each Round, the Contestant who received the greater number of valid votes in his/her match will be declared the winner of that match; the opposing Contestant will be declared the loser. If opposing Contestants have an equal number of valid votes, their match will be declared a draw: both Contestants will record a tie in their statistics, and no overtime match will occur.